Friday, August 23, 2024

Inside the Choreographer's Mind: return//de vuelta a los ancestros


Photo by Shannel J. Resto 

On September 20-21, 2024 at 7:30pm at the Schwartz Center for Performing Arts, the Emory Dance Program will present return//de vuelta a los ancestros, a faculty concert curated by Julio Medina. The concert will feature three new works by Medina Movement Collective, alongside works by local and international guest artists. Hear from faculty member Julio Medina below, as he shares an insider look into the process choreographing for and curating this concert, following his journey of reclamation of indigenous identity and reshaping his Mexican heritage.


This concert is part of my personal and artistic journey to re-indigenize and decolonize. It feels like the end of two years of learning about my ancestors' way of life and the beginning of a new artistic chapter. This concert has deepened my craft of dance-making, given me a lot of new inspiration for future projects, and brought ancestral knowledge to my day-to-day life.

Many great collaborations are happening, one being with artist Salome Nieto. We are creating a magical duet inspired by witch folklore and are excited to close the show. I also worked with filmmaker Taso Papadakis in California in February, shooting a dance film in the desert. Another collaboration is with Hilda Estrella, director of Alma Mexicana; she choreographed a lovely iteration of "Danza del Venado" (Dance of the Deer) on me, and I can't wait to share it. This show and vision are the culmination of many collaborations.  

One ritualistic through-line in several dances is the acknowledgment of the pathways of the universe (cardinal directions). Another element is the presentation and presence of flowers, which play an essential role in the rituals of our lives, from altars to weddings to achievements. In this concert, I ask the audience members to partake in a little ritual and offer a flower to a loved one or Mother Earth. 

I hope audiences enjoy the concert, and hope the dances stir something in them, maybe a desire to move and get up and dance, or awaken their power and connect them to their magic. I hope the audience walks away thinking about our planet more, or perhaps where their ancestors came from and how they related to the earth. 
Thank you Julio! Click here to purchase tickets:
For information about the Emory Dance Program and upcoming events, visit and follow us on Instagram and Facebook at @emorydanceprogram. 

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